Friday, May 15, 2009

A Couple Pictures at Dusk

Not much going on with my RX-8 lately other than it being my daily driver. I bought a Valentine-1 radar detector, which is pretty cool. I'm thinking about hardwiring it into where my sunroof wires run so that I don't have a cord hanging down from my windshield. I'm also thinking of returning it because it was expensive and cops use laser now which detectors are useless against...

I need to change my oil and rotate my tires, so that should be happening something in the near future as well. Here are a couple pics I took while working on my Jeep ( on evening at Dave's house:

Thursday, April 23, 2009

Best Mod I've Done So Far

While I was in South Bend last weekend I stopped by the Notre Dame Bookstore and picked up the quintessential ND Alumni item: the Notre Dame license plate frame. I put it on last night and after driving it to work this morning I'm pretty sure it added at least 25 horsepower, which is nice.

Oh and that's my garage at my apartment in Ohio, and that poster on the wall is something I stole from the ND Engineering building on my graduation day; yeah, I'm a rebel.

Saturday, March 28, 2009

Ch-Ch-Ch-Changin'.... the Oil

So I'm finally posting on this blog again. I've been loving the RX-8 for the past 5 months, but I haven't really had anything significant to post about, so I've basically forgotten I even had this blog. Well today I finally did something other than drive it or put gas in the tank; I changed my own oil, for the first time in my life!

It took me a couple hours because I was learning as I went, and also it was difficult to jack up the car because it is so low and because there wasn't an easy jack location at the front of the car.

Eventually I got the car up high enough so that I could slide under it and remove the oil pan plug and drain the old oil. When the flow stopped, I put the plug back in and added the oil. I put in 4 quarts before checking the owner's manual and finding out that the engine oil capacity is 3.5 quarts (oops!). But after I checked the dipstick, the oil level was just barely above the "full" line, so I think it all worked out.

The oil filter was kind of a pain because it was tucked behind some tubes up against the fire wall, but after a few minutes I managed to squeeze my arm in there and swap out the old filter for a new one.

Another thing I did was to remove the plastic molding from the front bumper which I thought was kind of lame and gave it too much of that "straight from the factory" untouched look. It came off without too much trouble, but it left behind some glue-type stuff which I'll need to spend some more time getting off.

Also, I just realized that I forgot to put my liscence plate back on and I drove home with only one plate (double oops!).